Abstract | Rad se temelji na teoretskom i praktičkom prikazu procesa komunikacije, interneta i društvenih mreža i bontona kako u komunikacijskom procesu, tako i na društvenim mrežama. Opisan je sam pojam komunikacija odnosno razmjena ideja, informacija i osjećaja, gdje su ujedno i objašnjeni verbalni i neverbalni oblici, ali i njihove podgrane. Glavni elementi procesa komunikacije su pošiljatelj poruke, primatelj poruke, poruka i medij koji su ključ kod prijenosa poruka. Bonton možemo vidjeti u verbalnoj, ali i neverbalnoj komunikaciji, definira se kao skup pravila i ponašanja u društvu i prilikom svake komunikacije, bez obzira bila ona licem u lice, telefonski, ili putem interneta potrebno ih se je pridržavati. Potrebno je razmotriti potrebe drugih, jer osnovno je pravilo lijepog ponašanja pokazati obzir prema drugoj strani, ne biti sebičan i bezosjećajan. Internet kao širokopojasna, javna i opće dostupna globalna mreža, koja je nastala ne tako davno, ali unatoč tome on se razvija i tako dolazi do Web 2.0. Naziv sugerira da govorimo o novom ili poboljšanom standardu te internetske usluge. Društvena mreža je sociološka struktura koja opisuje međusobne odnose između pojedinaca, pa čak i međusobno isprepletenih skupina ljudi. Dok svi pripadaju jednoj velikoj društvenoj mreži, bonton nam pruža pravila ponašanja unutar nje, potrebno je razumjeti proces pisanja. Iz Web 2.0 proizlaze i brojne društvene mreže kao što su Facebook, Twitter, Youtube i dr. koji imaju milijune svojih svakodnevnih korisnika, no da bi sve to uspješno funkcioniralo, potrebno je uvelike se pridržavati određenih, štoviše univerzalnih pravila lijepog ponašanja, kako u stvarnom svijetu, tako i u virtualnom. |
Abstract (english) | The work is based on a theoretical and practical presentation of the process of communication, the Internet and social networks and etiquette both in the communication process and on social networks. The concept of communication, also known as the exchange of ideas, information and feelings is described, where both verbal and non-verbal forms, as well as their sub-branches, are explained. The main elements of the communication process are the message sender, the recipient of the message, the message and the media that are the key to the transmission of messages. Etiquette can be seen in both verbal and non-verbal communication, it is defined as a set of rules and behaviors in society and in any communication, regardless of whether it was face to face, by telephone, or by the Internet. It is necessary to consider the needs of others and to adapt if possible, because the basic rule of good behavior is to show consideration to the other side, not to be selfish and impolite. The Internet is a broadband, public and widely available global network, which was created not so long ago, but nevertheless, it is developing and thus we come to Web 2.0. The name suggests that we are talking about a new or improved standard of an Internet service. A social network is a sociological structure that describes the relationships between individuals and even intertwined groups of people. And while everyone belongs to one big social network, etiquette gives us the rules of behavior within it, so it is necessary to understand the writing process, especially. Web 2.0 also includes a number of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and so on, who have millions of everyday users, but in order for them to function successfully, it is necessary to abide by certain, more general, universal rules of good behavior, both in the real world and in the virtual world. |