Abstract | Diplomski rad razmatra teorijska i praktična stajališta koncepta društveno
odgovornog poslovanja. U teorijskom djelu rada istražen je i opisan pojam društveno
odgovornog poslovanja, njegova povijest, ključni čimbenici, koristi, kritike, glavna područja
djelovanja, njegova pojava i promicanje u Hrvatskoj te primjena društveno odgovornog
poslovanja u bankarskom sektoru. Prilikom istraživanja i pisanja teorijskog djela rada
korištena je sva dostupna znanstvena i stručna literatura. Kroz empirijski dio rada istraženo je
da li banke u Hrvatskoj primjenjuju koncept društveno odgovornog poslovanja, u kojoj mjeri
ga primjenjuju, u koji dio najviše ulažu, tko je zadužen za društveno dogovorno poslovanje
unutar banke i planiraju li daljnja ulaganja u razvoj društveno odgovornog poslovanja.
Istraživanje je provedeno putem online anketnog upitnika i pomoću metode analize sadržaja
internetskih stranica banaka. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od deset banaka,
Obuhvaćene su sve vrste banaka, od velikih, srednjih, do jedne male. Rezultati istraživanja
pokazuju da postoji mnogo banka koje se nazivaju društveno odgovornima, makar to u
stvarnosti nisu, već se koriste društveno odgovornim poslovanjem kao marketinškim trikom.
Često se ističu donacije kao glavni ili jedini dio društvene odgovornosti, premda su one samo
mali dio društvene odgovornosti. Rad doprinosi boljem shvaćanju koncepta društveno
dogovornog poslovanja te njegovoj praktičnoj primjeni u hrvatskim bankama. |
Abstract (english) | The graduate thesis examines the theoretical and practical point of view of corporate social responsibility. In the theoretical part of the work, I’ve investigated and described the concept of corporate social responsibility, its history, key factors, benefits, criticism, the main areas of work, its appearance and promotion in Croatia and the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the banking sector. During the research and writing of theoretical part of work, I used all the available scientific and technical literature. Through the empirical part of the work, I explored whether banks in Croatia apply the concept of corporate social responsibility, to what extent they apply it, in which part they invest most, who is in charge of socially responsible business within the bank and if they are planning further investments in the development of corporate social responsibility. The study was conducted via an online questionnaire and by using the method of content analyzing. By using the method of content analyzation, I analyzed banks' web pages. The study was conducted on a sample of ten banks, and the study includes all types of banks, from large, medium, to small ones. The results show that there are many banks who are referred to as socially responsible, even though in reality they are not. They use CSR as a marketing gimmick. Banks often emphasize donations as the main or only part of social responsibility, although they are only a small part of social responsibility. The paper contributes to a better understanding of the concept of socially responsible business and its practical application in Croatian banks. |