Sažetak | Tema ovoga rada je influencer marketing. Cilj rada je dati teorijski pregled i primjere
iz prakse o samoj temi. Život koji živimo u današnje vrijeme nezamisliv je bez digitalnih
tehnologija. U ovom radu fokusirali smo se na influencer marketing odnosno pojam, razvoj i vrste
influencer marketinga. Bez razvitka digitalnog marketinga koji se odnosi na uporabu raznih
digitalnih komunikacijskih kanala kao što je Internet, televizija, mobilni uređaji i ostali digitalni
mediji ne bi došlo do pojave influencer marketinga. Pojam digitalnog marketinga obuhvaća razne
strukture dosezanja potencijalnih točno definiranih ciljanih grupa. Putem opisa značajki, vrsta,
društvenih mreža, važnosti za prodaju i budućih trendova Influencer marketinga dan je uvid o
mogućnostima ovoga modernoga koncepta poslovanja. U današnje vrijeme, putem društvenih
mreža uvedene su nove značajke i mogućnosti, gdje važnu ulogu igra mobilni segment kao važan
čimbenik budućeg razvitka poslovanja. Također, u radu su na sažet i jezgrovit način prikazane
mogućnosti influencer marketinga kad se kombinira s određenom društvenom mrežom i drugim
oglašivačima. U budućnosti se definitivno očekuje daljnji razvoj influencer marketinga iz razloga
što se digitalni svijet svakim danom proširuje odnosno ima sve više korisnika te shodno tome se
pretvara u vrlo veliko tržište na kojem se konkurenti trebaju iskazati. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this work is influencer marketing. The aim of the paper is to provide a
theoretical overview and examples from practice on the topic itself. The life we live today is
unimaginable without digital technologies. In this paper, we focused on influencer marketing, that
is, the concept, development and types of influencer marketing. Without the development of digital
marketing, which refers to the use of various digital communication channels such as the Internet,
television, mobile devices and other digital media, influencer marketing would not have appeared.
The concept of digital marketing encompasses various structures for reaching potential precisely
defined target groups. By describing the features, types, social networks, importance for sales and
future trends of influencer marketing, an insight into the possibilities of this modern business
concept is given. Nowadays, new features and possibilities have been introduced through social
networks, where the mobile segment plays an important role as an important factor in the future
development of business. Also, the paper presents in a concise and concise manner the possibilities
of influencer marketing when combined with a certain social network and other advertisers. In the
future, further development of influencer marketing is definitely expected due to the fact that the
digital world is expanding every day, i.e. there are more and more users, and accordingly it is
turning into a very large market where competitors need to express themselves |