Abstract | Kako bi se u potpunosti razumjelo ponašanje potrošača, krucijalno je anticipirati
motive koji utječu na ponašanje potrošača. Detaljnom analizom i segmentacijom tržišta,
potrebno je identificirati ciljni segment te na temelju karakteristika, plasirati odgovarajuće
marketinške poruke. Najvažniji cilj svakog poduzeća je zadovoljiti potrebe svojih potrošača
kroz prodaju proizvoda i usluga koji će imati veću uporabnu vrijednost od očekivanja te
stvaranje partnerskih odnosa i postizanje lojalnosti koja predstavlja konkurentsku prednosti.
Cilj rada je kroz teorijsku obradu shvatiti na koji način marketinška komunikacija, oglasi i
apeli mogu utjecati na ponašanje potrošača. Razvojem novih sofisticiranih tehnologija s
inovativnim performansama u okviru komunikacija, potrošačima je omogućen pristup golemoj
količini informacija što otežava prodaju proizvoda ili usluga. Marketinški stručnjaci i poduzeća
koja plasiraju oglase usmjerene ciljnom segmentu, moraju osmišljavati kreativne, pamtljive i
učinkovite apele, oglase i poruke kako bi u vremenu neprestanih oscilacija i nemilosrdne tržišne
utakmice, zadržali postojeće te privukli potencijalne potrošače. Fokus u radu, stavljen je na
shvaćanju komunikacije i komunikacijskih procesa, definiranju i razumijevanju čimbenika koji
utječu na ponašanja potrošača, što je to integrirana marketinška komunikacija sa svim
obilježjima i sastavnicama, kako funkcioniraju apeli u oglašavanju te koje su česte vrste apela
u oglašavanju. Na kraju se povezuje teorijski dio s praktičnim na primjeru Hrvatskog Telekoma
gdje je prikazano i analizirano oglašavanje te utjecaj marketinške komunikacije na ponašanje potrošača. |
Abstract (english) | In order to completely understand the behavior of consumers, it is crucial to
anticipate the motives affecting consumer behavior. Using detailed analysis and segmentation of the market, it is necessary to identify the goal segment and, based on the characteristics,
send the corresponding marketing messages. The most important goal of any company is to
satisfy the needs of its consumers through selling products and services that will have a higher use value than expected, as well as to create partner relationships and achieve loyalty, which represents a competitive advantage. The objective of this paper is to, through theoretical processing, grasp in what way marketing communication, advertisements, and appeals are able to influence consumer behavior. With the development of new and sophisticated technologies with innovative performances in the area of communication, consumers become able to access an enormous amount of information, which makes the sale of products or services more difficult. Marketing experts and companies placing advertisements directed towards the goal segment are forced to imagine creative, memorable and effective appeals, advertisements and messages, in order to keep their existing customers and attract new ones, in a time of constant oscillations and ruthless market races. The focus of the paper is grasping communication and communication processes, defining and understanding factors which affect consumer behavior, defining integrated marketing communication and its characteristics and components, explaining how appeals function in advertising and what the most common kinds of appeals in advertising are. The paper concludes with a connection of the theoretical and practical parts through the example of “Hrvatski Telekom,” whose advertising procedures, as well as their effect on consumer behavior, are shown and analyzed. |